
Liberal Arts and Sciences

Associate of Arts (AA) - 60 credits

About this program

文科副学士学位是一个文科学位,包括大多数学士学位的前两年,专为转入四年制大学而设计. 完成大发彩票平台文科副学士学位的学生, 包括明尼苏达转学课程吗, 你能保证顺利转入明尼苏达州立学院和大学系统的机构,以及进入明尼苏达大学所有校区的特定专业吗.

Program outcomes

  1. 培养能有效运用英语和阅读的作家和演说家, write, speak and listen critically. As a base, 所有的学生都应该在大学学习的早期完成介绍性的沟通要求. 写作能力是一个持续的过程,需要通过写作强化课程和跨课程写作来加强. 口语和听力技能需要通过多种人际交流的机会来加强, public speaking, and discussion.
  2. 培养能够统一事实的思想家, creative, rational, and value-sensitive modes of thought. 批判性思维将在通识教育课程中教授和使用,以培养学生对自己思考和解决问题过程的意识. 将新技能融入他们习惯的思维方式, 学生必须积极地练习思维技能,并将其应用于开放式问题.
  3. 提高学生对自然科学原理和科学探究方法的理解, i.e.科学家研究自然科学现象的方法. As a basis for lifelong learning, 学生需要知道科学的词汇,并认识到,虽然一套原则是通过以前的科学家的工作发展起来的, 不断进行的科学探索和新知识将改变科学家看待世界的某些方式. 通过研究当今科学家所面临的问题, 学生学会欣赏科学在他们生活中的重要性,并理解科学观点的价值. 应该鼓励学生学习生物科学和物理科学.
  4. 提高学生对数学和逻辑思维方式的认识. 这将使学生认识到数学应用的广度, evaluate arguments, and detect fallacious reasoning. Students will learn to apply mathematics, logic, 和/或统计数据来帮助他们在生活和事业中做出决定. 明尼苏达州的公立高等教育系统已经同意发展数学包括高中数学序列的前三年到中级代数.
  5. 增加学生对历史学家、社会和行为科学家如何发现的知识, describe, 解释个体之间的行为和互动, groups, institutions, events, and ideas. 这些知识将使学生更好地了解自己以及他们在解决人类面临的问题中所扮演的角色.
  6. 拓展学生对人类状况及人类文化的知识, especially in relation to behavior, ideas, 以及人类想象力和思想作品中所表达的价值观. 通过文学等学科的学习, philosophy, and the fine arts, students will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments, 培养对艺术和人文学科的鉴赏力,这是任何社会健康和生存的基础. 学生应该在艺术和人文两方面都有经验.
  7. 增加学生对个体和群体差异的理解.g. race, gender, 以及他们对美国不同群体的传统和价值观的了解. 学生应该能够评价美国在历史和当代对群体差异的反应.
  8. 提高学生对国家和民族之间日益增长的相互依存关系的理解,并培养他们运用比较视角研究跨文化社会的能力, economic and political experiences.
  9. To develop students' capacity to identify, discuss, 并反思政治的道德层面, social, 以及个人生活,并了解他们如何行使负责任和富有成效的公民身份. 虽然在多元社会中对社会正义或共同利益有不同的看法, 学生们应该知道,负责任的公民身份要求他们培养理解自己和他人立场的技能, be part of the free exchange of ideas, and function as public-minded citizens.
  10. 提高学生对当今复杂环境挑战的理解. 学生将研究人类社会与自然环境的相互关系. 生物物理原理和社会文化系统的知识是对环境问题进行综合和批判性思考的基础.


明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院是由高等教育委员会认证的, 一个由美国认可的地区性认证机构.S. Department of Education. More information can be found at 890c.roninshipping.net/accreditation.


Curriculum overview

Credits Requirement type
3 Required courses
6 Restricted electives in courses
45 Restricted electives in MnTC Goal Areas
6 Restricted electives in course types
60 Total

文科与理科-文科副学士(AA) (1)

Required Courses:

Course Credits
ENGL1101 - College Writing 3

3 credits from one or more of these courses:

Course Credits
COMM1120 - Introduction to Public Speaking 3
COMM1130 - Small Group Communication 3
COMM1140 - Interpersonal Communication 3

3 credits from one or more of these courses:

Course Credits
ENGL1205 - Writing About Literature 3
ENGL1210 - Writing About Current Issues 3
ENGL1215 - Professional and Technical Writing 3

3 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
1. Communication

6 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
2. Critical Thinking

3 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
3. Natural Sciences

3 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
3. Natural Sciences

3 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
4. Mathematics/Logical Reasoning

9 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
5. 历史、社会和行为科学

9 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
6. The Humanities and Fine Arts

3 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
7. Human Diversity

3 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
8. Global Perspective

3 credits from these goal areas:

Goal Area
9. Ethical and Civic Responsibility

6 credits from these course types:

Course Type
General Education w/out MnTC Goals


PDF downloads:

1st Fall Term - 15 credits

Course Credits
ENGL1101 - College Writing 3
3 credits from one or more of these courses:
Course Credits
COMM1120 - Introduction to Public Speaking 3
COMM1130 - Small Group Communication 3
COMM1140 - Interpersonal Communication 3
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
3. Natural Sciences
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
4. Mathematics/Logical Reasoning
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
5. 历史、社会和行为科学

1st Spring Term - 15 credits

3 credits from one or more of these courses:
Course Credits
ENGL1205 - Writing About Literature 3
ENGL1210 - Writing About Current Issues 3
ENGL1215 - Professional and Technical Writing 3
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
2. Critical Thinking
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
5. 历史、社会和行为科学
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
6. The Humanities and Fine Arts
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
7. Human Diversity

2nd Fall Term - 15 credits

3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
3. Natural Sciences
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
5. 历史、社会和行为科学
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
6. The Humanities and Fine Arts
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
8. Global Perspective
3 credits from these course types:
Course Type
General Education w/out MnTC Goals

2nd Spring Term - 15 credits

3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
1. Communication
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
2. Critical Thinking
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
6. The Humanities and Fine Arts
3 credits from these goal areas:
Goal Area
9. Ethical and Civic Responsibility
3 credits from these course types:
Course Type
General Education w/out MnTC Goals