

Vice President of Finance and 设施

服务的动物s and Emotional Support Animals

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院通常允许服务性动物进入其建筑, 教室, 学生宿舍, 会议室, 餐厅区域, recreational facilities and at events. 服务性动物必须由一个人陪同,以表明该动物受过提供服务的训练, 确实提供了, a specific service to them that is directly related to their disability.

学院不允许服务性动物对个人或公共健康或安全构成实质性和直接威胁, 或者当动物的出现对项目或服务的性质构成根本性的改变时. The College will make those determinations on a case-by-case basis.

情感支持动物(esa)是提供治疗益处的伴侣动物. Because they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task, they are not considered service animals under the ADA. In compliance with federal 住房 and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines, ESAs are generally allowed in campus housing.



任何被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗, 包括体检, 感觉, 精神病学, intellectual or other mental disability, 符合《大发彩票平台》28 CFR 35中“服务性动物”的定义.104.

所从事的工作或任务必须与个人的残疾直接相关. 例子包括, but are not limited to: Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks; alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds; providing non-violent protection or rescue work; pulling a wheelchair; assisting an individual during a seizure; alerting individuals to the presence of allergens; retrieving items such as medicine or a telephone; providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities; and helping persons with 精神病学 and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors.

The crime deterrent effects of an animal's presence do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of this definition; nor does the emotional support, 幸福, comfort or companionship provided by an animal.

Under particular circumstances set forth in the ADA regulations at 28 CFR 35.136(i), a miniature horse may qualify as a service animal.


A person with a disability that a service animal assists, 或者是为残疾人照顾动物的个人护理人员.


根据《大发彩票平台》,情感支持动物不执行符合服务性动物资格的工作或任务. 情感支持动物(ESA)是一种提供治疗益处的伴侣动物, such as alleviating or mitigating some symptoms of a disability, to an individual with a mental or 精神病学 disability. ESAs are typically dogs and cats but may include other animals.

To be prescribed an ESA by a physician or other medical professional, the person seeking such an animal must have a verifiable disability. To be afforded protection under United States federal law, 一个人必须符合联邦对残疾的定义,并且必须有医生或其他医疗专业人员的说明,说明该人患有该残疾,并且《大发彩票平台》为残疾个人提供福利. An animal does not need specific training to become an ESA.

为了让残疾人有平等的机会使用和享受大学住房,ESA可能是必要的. 根据《大发彩票平台》,不属于服务性动物的esa仍然可以被允许进入大学宿舍, 在某些情况下, 根据《公平住房法.


A pet is an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship. A pet is not considered a service animal or ESA. 宠物 are not permitted in the facilities of the College. 任何在书院内活动的宠物必须加以适当的约束(皮带、笼子等).) and must be in close proximity to the owner at all times. Minnesota State Community and Technical College may, 自行决定, require the removal of pets on its grounds for any reason.


明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院致力于提供平等的学习机会, services and physical facilities to community members with disabilities. 我们承认,一些残疾社区成员在学院期间可能需要使用服务性动物或esa. 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院保留根据需要修改这些指导方针的权利, 有或没有事先通知.


Inquiries Regarding 服务的动物s

在一般情况下, 学院不会询问一个人的残疾的性质或程度,但可以进行两次询问,以确定一个动物是否有资格作为服务性动物. Minnesota State Community and Technical College may ask:

  1. Is this service animal required due to a disability? 和;
  2. What disability-related work or task does the animal perform?

The College does not require documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained or licensed as a service animal. 一般, 如果一个服务性动物很明显是被训练来为残疾人士工作或执行任务的,学院不会对其进行任何询问.g., the dog is observed guiding an individual who is blind or has low vision, 拉一个人的轮椅, 或者为有明显行动障碍的人提供稳定或平衡方面的帮助).


Responsibilities of 服务的动物 Handlers

强烈建议希望带服务性动物到校园的学生与无障碍资源合作, especially if other academic accommodations are required. 另外, 计划在校内宿舍与服务性动物一起生活的学生应将其计划告知住宿部. 提前通知校园住宿的服务性动物可以更灵活地满足学生的具体住宿要求. 鼓励有服务动物的教职员工与人力资源部联系.

处理者对他们的动物造成的任何损害或伤害负责,必须采取适当的预防措施防止财产损失或伤害. 护理费用, 在任何时候,服务动物的健康安排和责任都是训导员的唯一责任.

服务的动物 Control Requirements
  1. 当不为训导员提供必要的服务时,动物应该被拴在皮带或挽具上.
  2. 尽可能地, 动物不应妨碍他人和学院的学习, 生活和工作环境.
  3. 建议给动物戴上某种常见的识别符号, identifying the animal as a working animal but not disclosing disability.

尽可能地, the handler should ensure that the animal does not:

  • Sniff people, dining tables or the personal belongings of others.
  • 表现出任何干扰他人的行为或噪音,除非是作为服务的一部分
  • 提供给处理程序.
  • Block an emergency exit, aisle or passageway.
Public Etiquette Toward 服务的动物s

It is okay to ask someone if she/he would like assistance if there seems to be confusion; however, 教师, 工作人员, 学生, visitors and members of the general public should avoid the following:

  • 宠物ting an animal, as it may distract them from the task at hand.
  • 喂动物.
  • 故意惊吓动物.
  • Separating or attempting to separate a handler from his/her service animal.
服务的动物 Waste Cleanup Rule

Cleaning up after a service animal is the sole responsibility of the handler. 如果处理者的身体不能清理动物的排泄物, 然后,驯兽师就有责任雇佣一个有能力清理动物粪便的人. 清理动物后的人员应遵守以下准则:

  • 随时携带足够的设备或材料清理动物粪便
  • 动物在校园里.
  • Properly dispose of waste and/or litter in appropriate containers.  


  1. 失去控制的动物:处理者可能会被指示带走失去控制的动物, especially if or when the handler does not take effective action to control it. If improper animal behavior happens repeatedly, 训导员可能会被禁止带动物进入任何学校设施,直到训导员能够证明已经采取了重大步骤来减轻这种行为.
  2. 未被驯养的动物:饲养员可能会被指示将未被驯养的动物移走.
  3. 直接威胁:如果学院认为动物对个人的健康和安全构成重大和直接的威胁,管理员可以被指示移除动物. This may occur as a result of a very ill animal, a substantial lack of cleanliness of the animal, 或者动物出现在敏感区域,比如某些实验室或机械或工业区域.

When a service animal is removed pursuant to this policy, 学院的无障碍资源将与处理人员一起确定参与服务的合理替代机会, program or activity without having the service animal on the premises.


每个训练犬只成为服务性动物的人,在公共场所有被训练动物陪同的权利. 训练中的服务性动物的处理者必须遵守与训练过的服务性动物的处理者相同的要求,并遵守相同的清除政策.



  1. 书面或电子邮件投诉应在决定之日起30天内提交给无障碍资源协调员.
  2. If an agreeable informal resolution is not reached, 学生应向公平与包容主任或学生主任提出投诉.
  3. File a complaint directly with the U.S. 教育部, 民权办公室, by calling 800-421-3481 (Voice) or 800-877-8339 (TTY); or with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights by calling 800-657-3704 (Voice) or 800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY). 向民权办公室(民权办公室)提出申诉的诉讼时效为事件发生之日起180天.

Emotional Support Animals in Campus 住房

如果满足某些条件,明尼苏达州社区和技术学院的住房和住宅生活将允许情感支持动物(ESA)居住在校园住房中. 动物必须是残疾居民平等获得住房所必需的, and the accommodation must also be reasonable. 住宿是不合理的,如果它会给学院带来不适当的财政或行政负担, poses a substantial and direct threat to personal or public health or safety, 或构成程序或服务性质的根本改变.



任何被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗, 包括体检, 感觉, 精神病学, intellectual or other mental disability, 符合《大发彩票平台》28 CFR 35中“服务性动物”的定义.104.

所从事的工作或任务必须与个人的残疾直接相关. 例子包括, but are not limited to: Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks; alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds; providing non-violent protection or rescue work; pulling a wheelchair; assisting an individual during a seizure; alerting individuals to the presence of allergens; retrieving items such as medicine or a telephone; providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities; and helping persons with 精神病学 and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors.

The crime deterrent effects of an animal's presence do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of this definition; nor does the emotional support, 幸福, comfort or companionship provided by an animal.

Under particular circumstances set forth in the ADA regulations at 28 CFR 35.136(i), a miniature horse may qualify as a service animal.


A person with a disability that a service animal assists, 或者是为残疾人照顾动物的个人护理人员.


根据《大发彩票平台》,情感支持动物不执行符合服务性动物资格的工作或任务. 情感支持动物(ESA)是一种提供治疗益处的伴侣动物, such as alleviating or mitigating some symptoms of a disability, to an individual with a mental or 精神病学 disability. ESAs are typically dogs and cats but may include other animals.

To be prescribed an ESA by a physician or other medical professional, the person seeking such an animal must have a verifiable disability. To be afforded protection under United States federal law, 一个人必须符合联邦对残疾的定义,并且必须有医生或其他医疗专业人员的说明,说明该人患有该残疾,并且《大发彩票平台》为残疾个人提供福利. An animal does not need specific training to become an ESA.

为了让残疾人有平等的机会使用和享受大学住房,ESA可能是必要的. 根据《大发彩票平台》,不属于服务性动物的esa仍然可以被允许进入大学宿舍, 在某些情况下, 根据《公平住房法.


A pet is an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship. A pet is not considered a service animal or ESA. 宠物 are not permitted in the facilities of the College. 任何在书院内活动的宠物必须加以适当的约束(皮带、笼子等).) and must be in close proximity to the owner at all times. 学院可以自行决定,以任何理由要求移走宠物.


明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院致力于提供平等的学习机会, services and physical facilities to community members with disabilities. 我们承认,一些残疾社区成员在学院期间可能需要使用服务性动物或esa. 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院保留根据需要修改这些指导方针的权利, 有或没有事先通知.


Documentation Required for ESAs in Campus 住房

在学院无障碍资源办公室的决定和批准下,esa可以被允许进入大学校园住房. The following documentation is required:

  1. 一个应用程序. 寻求与ESA一起住在校园住房的学生需要联系无障碍资源办公室,通过填写申请开始资格流程.
  2. 动物年龄的证明. 学生必须年满12个月才有资格入住校园宿舍.
  3. 由合格的专业人士(精神科医生)出具的残疾证明, 心理学家, 神经心理学家, 等.)
  • There must be a link between the animal and a disability. 根据联邦法律,由于“禁止宠物”政策而不得不放弃动物而导致的情绪困扰并不符合一个人获得住宿的资格. 任何批准在设施中使用的esa都必须符合学院对动物健康和行为的要求/政策. 残疾的功能限制与欧空局的作用之间有必要明确的联系.
  1. 免疫接种记录. The ESA must have current immunization against diseases, 包括狂犬病, 犬瘟热和细小病毒, or the appropriate vaccination series for the type of animal. Dogs must wear a rabies vaccination tag.
  2. An Animal Orientation agreement, completed and signed by the owner/handler.

ALL of the steps required for an Emotional Support Animal must be completed in order to be considered for this accommodation.

  1. 当外出锻炼或上厕所时,动物应该拴上皮带或挽具.
  2. 尽可能地, 动物不应妨碍他人和学院的学习, 生活和工作环境.
  3. ESA必须佩戴所有者识别标签,包括所有者姓名和联系方式.
  4. 欧空局必须是健康的. 必要时,学院有权要求动物接受兽医治疗.
  5. The care and supervision of the ESA is the responsibility of the owner/handler.
  6. The owner/handler is responsible for cleaning up animal waste.
  7. ESA只允许在已批准的校园住房设施中使用.

Cleaning up after an ESA is the sole responsibility of the handler. 如果处理者的身体不能清理动物的排泄物, 然后,驯兽师就有责任雇佣一个有能力清理动物粪便的人. 清理动物后的人员应遵守以下准则:

  • 随时携带足够的设备或材料清理动物粪便 动物在校园里.
  • Properly dispose of waste and/or litter in appropriate containers.  

宠物不允许在明尼苏达州社区和技术学院的学生宿舍. 如果房屋内有未经许可的动物,而居民未在接到通知后24小时内将其移走, 这只动物将被移走. The College will contact local animal control personnel to remove the pet. Students will be fined $100 plus any other costs incurred.



  1. 书面或电子邮件投诉应在决定之日起30天内提交给无障碍资源协调员.
  2. If an agreeable informal resolution is not reached, 学生应向公平与包容主任或学生主任提出投诉.
  3. File a complaint directly with the U.S. 教育部, 民权办公室, by calling 800-421-3481 (Voice) or 800-877-8339 (TTY); or with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights by calling 800-657-3704 (Voice) or 800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY). 向民权办公室(民权办公室)提出申诉的诉讼时效为事件发生之日起180天.



